Chakra Sessions

Tackle stress, anxiety and build healthy body, relationships during and post COVID 19 restrictions

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What to expect in Chakra Sessions?

Throughout the sessions, we will engage in different yogic asanas (postures), kriyas, pranayamas (breathing techniques), as well as in contemplative and meditative exercises aiming at opening and re-energizing the chakras. Ultimately, attending to the chakras gives more balance, powerfulness, comfort, and ease to your life.

Topics covered

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Introduction to 7 Chakras

All teachings are sourced directly from the Vedas and Agamas, the source scriptures of Sanatana Hindu Dharma, which is the most ancient enlightened civilization revived by H.D.H. Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam.


Our sessions include specific meditation techniques, aimed at identifying and healing the root cause of discomfort and disease. In Hinduism, identifying and infusing awareness into the blindspot, that which we cannot see within ourselves when we are distracted by everyday life.


After every class, the space is open for Q&A, which will enable us to share our experiences and dive deeper into the science of chakras.

Whether completely new to chakras, or have some knowledge this is for you.

Why Choose Us

What makes this program separate from others?

As initiated disciples and certified acharyas (teachers) of HDH Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam (the living Avatar as per Hinduism), we assure you that you are in the right place at the right time to heal and re-energize your chakras directly from the Source itself. 

As it is important to use techniques which are NOT experimental, but rather time-tested and full-proof, we also share the Shastra Pramana (scriptural reference) for each technique so that we can retain the authenticity of the oldest living enlightened tradition – Sanatana Hindu Dharma.

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Benefits of program


Feel totally rejuvenated after a series of asanas, kriyas, pranayamas and meditative processes. 

Radiate Health

Once lower frequency emotions leave your system, your Kundalini Shakti will awaken and travel fluidely throughout the energy centers. Your whole being will become healthy.


Grace start radiating from you that your very presence becomes a blessing to the world.

Relax & Refresh

Be sure that now you can really relax, knowing you have the right tools and the powerful cognitions to take care of yourself and others.


When you feel confident that you can manifest the reality you want as you want, that you can mold your body as you want and build your mind as you want, such powerfulness. 

Mind & Soul

You will operate from a new space and from a body that is ready to hold your newly found energy, the cosmic energy!


Meet Instructor

Ma Nithya Swathanthirapriya Ananda

Ma Nithya Swathanthirapriya Ananda

Certified NYTT Yoga Teacher

Nithyanandam (greetings in Eternal Bliss)!
My name is Ma Nithya Swathanthirapriyananda, I am an Apath Sanyasin (monk) of the Nithyananda order and I feel very blessed to be your acharya (teacher) over the course of this short but intense and transformative journey. I completed my Nithyananda Yoga Teacher Training (NYTT) in June-July 2018 and I have been given the opportunity to teach others about the vedic science of chakras and kriyas. I truly feel that these powerful sessions will help everyone radiate the peak of health on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. I therefore warmly invite you and all your loved ones to come and I am looking forward to meeting you.

Ready to start fresh?

These sessions are meant to help you align to the peak of your possibility, which is enlightenment itself! In Sanatana Hindu Dharma, everything is designed for achieving Jeevan Mukthi, living enlightenment in the physical body.


What People Are Saying

“Nunc consequat justo eget enim finibus porta. Suspendisse orci nunc, rutrum quis nunc sed, feugiat hendrerit massa. In cursus ornare sollicitudin.”
Antonio Compbell

Student, Yoga Studio

“Nunc consequat justo eget enim finibus porta. Suspendisse orci nunc, rutrum quis nunc sed, feugiat hendrerit massa. In cursus ornare sollicitudin.”
Helena Smith

Studio Manager, Yoga Studio

“Nunc consequat justo eget enim finibus porta. Suspendisse orci nunc, rutrum quis nunc sed, feugiat hendrerit massa. In cursus ornare sollicitudin.”
Isabella Edwards Compbell

Studio Manager, Yoga Studio


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Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any qualifications?

Not at all! Anyone and everyone with curiosity or passion for chakras is more than welcome to join

Where will the sessions be hosted?

Currently, sessions will be held online, through video conference platforms

I'm new in spirituality, can I join?


Are there any dietary, or physical restrictions?

We recommend that you do not eat (1 of 2?) hours prior to the session, to get the most benefit. Apart from this, any specific restriction due to a certain yogic posture, kriya, or any other such technique will be stated during the session itself.

What is the program duration?

Class duration normally ranges from 1:30 hours to 2 hours.



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Nithyanandam! Please send your questions and we will be in touch with you shortly.